Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday is the last day to sign up for Cardi Claus!

Can you believe November is already halfway gone?!?! If you have not yet signed up for Cardi Claus, you only have one day left!

For the uninitiated, Cardi Claus is a virtual Christmas Party/Ornament Exchange for people who are linked to each other with a love of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi.  We have done this for a few years now, and it has been a hoot.  Wanna play?  Here's how:

1.     First, if you sign up to play, please don't disappoint us by not following through.

2.  Let me know by November 15 that you want to participate.  Email cardiclaus at (a new address this year) with the following information:
Your name
Shipping address
Phone number
Information about your pack
Any other information about you that will help your Cardi Claus get to know you a little better (think about what you would like to learn about your intended recipient!)

And just to clear up something that sometimes confuses new participants.  I will send you the name of the person you will play Cardi Claus for.  A different person will be your Cardi Claus – this way, everyone gets to make a holiday connection with two other people – the one you gift, and the one who gifts you!

         3.  By November 17, I will send you information about your recipient.  You will have a couple of weeks to get your package together, and then . . .

        4.  YOU WILL SHIP YOUR PACKAGE ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 1.  Did everyone see that??  This to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to get their packages in time to really enjoy them!

And finally . . .

       5.  You are only committing to participating in an Ornament Exchange.  Any other goodies that you choose to include with your ornament  is entirely up to you.  No one who participates is anticipating any more than the opportunity to share holiday fun with you!  


penni said...

It's been so much fun. I wouldn't miss it for the world!

dreameyce said...

Oh darn, I missed this year! That's what I get for not checking blogs lately!

Can't wait for next year!

Elbeepem said...

Rats....I missed the deadline. Too many other things going on.

Becky said...

Have we said "Thank You!"!? Can't say it enough! It was so much fun! And what a nice added bonus with facebook!