Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Cave Update

Things have been going on in the cave, and the end is in sight.  In the last post I moaned over the color of the countertop - I had hoped for a dark charcoal gray, but ended up with brownish-greenish mud.  Kathy M came to my rescue (Thanks again Kathy!), and taught me all about the difficulties in selecting neutrals and about lighting and color bases.  I spent a good bit of time last week trying out new shades, not getting happy, and finally realizing what I wanted was not so much dark gray, but really not-quite-black. 

The fiber optics guys got me all set up with by big screen tv - ok not that big, but we are fertilizing and watering and hoping it will grow.

I also finally settled on flooring - that has been an interesting experience.  I'll save the reveal on what I decided on until it's in.  Handsome floor man says he may be able to get me installed later this week, but more likely first of next week.  That's fine - I want to paint the drop ceiling supports and get the new ceiling tiles in before the floor comes in.


penni said...

You're keeping handsome floor guy -- GREAT move -- oh, and the rest of it looks very nice as well. I hope you enjoy your new space and that the big screen expands with all that watering.

Lybertygirl said...

The nearly black looks sooooo much better. can't wait to see it in person!