Saturday, March 20, 2010

QQ# 29 - Not so pretty

This morning reminded me of when I was taking the CPA exams a hundred
years ago. We used to say that if we scored more than a 75 on an exam,
all that meant was that we studied too much.

Well, if these had been CPA exams, we studied just about right - 77 on
each leg!! He thought he was starving to death (I didn't feed him
because I didn't want a repeat of yesterday) and it took all the
strength he had to drag himself from one station to the next.

He didn't wake up in Exc until I stepped on him and then he was pretty
perky. But he completely refused to sit and wait until I called him on
the "sit turn one step right and come to sit" - he refused to wait in
both Exc and Adv.

Oh well, we'll take the green ribbons and be proud. And since he was
the only Cardi entered in Rally, those lousy 77s also won him High
Scoring Cardigan and a fabulous basket of goodies!

Sent from my iPhone


coopercreek said...

Q's are Q's any way you look at 'em. Congrats and hope he's feeling better. And yay for the basket of goodies. That's always fun!!!!

Elbeepem said...

Aww...poor guy, how unfortunate to be sick on the road. Never fun for anyone.

Kathy M. (California blogger who owns two C-Myste Cardigans, one of which is currently also showing in Rally.)