Thursday, July 2, 2009

Meet the newest member of our pack

This is Robert, and I love him very much. As I sit here getting a head start on the long weekend, sipping a cold adult carbonated beverage, Robert is vacuuming, humming as he works. When he gets finished, he will go back to his little perch and stay there quietly until it's time to go to work again. And the thought of trying to make me feel guilty while he works and I lounge has never crossed his mind.
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penni said...

I own Tess, the downstairs Roomba, and Sally, the upstairs Roomba. I love them! My daughter-in-law has Hazel. It's pretty funny when she yells at my son to close the front door so Hszel doesn't get into the street and hit by a car.

Holly said...

LOL I want a Roomba! Just got a new Electrolux so it may be a while before the hubby will let me get a Wanda.

Lani said...

Ours is named Ronnie. The thing I love about him best is that he vacuums under the bed and under to sofa -- 2 hard-to-reach, yet dog-hair-collecting, places.

Lybertygirl said...

I want one, I want one - You are a bad influence on me - you keep getting cool electronics and introducing them to me!!!

Red Dog Mom said...

I want to know what Spencer and Scout think of their new family member. Because I can guarantee you Sister Moira would not be amused.....

Janet said...

They completely ignore it. Usually I run it at night (when we are in bed) in the front part of the house (living, dining and kitchen) and in the rest of the house during the day. If they are at home during the day, they are separated from it by a baby gate. But they have been in the same room with it when it is running, and they aren't concerned by it.